Monday, May 30, 2011

Classroom Hanging Garden with Bugs!

How to make a Tissue Paper Flower:
·         4 sheets of bright colored tissue paper
·         1 twistie tie
·         Strong scissors
·         Fishing Line

How to:
1.       Layer the 4 sheets of tissue paper(all 1 color) on top of each other in a stack.
2.       Fold the entire (4) stack of paper back and forth in a zig zag fashion. You will have a thick strip of paper.
3.       With a strong pair of scissors cut either a V or C shape on each end of the strip of paper (This will create different styles of flowers- my personal favorite is the V shape shown in the pictures).
4.       In the center of the strip, tie a twistie tie fairly tight.
5.       Begin opening the flower layers carefully as to not rip the tissue paper.
6.       Hang the flowers with fishing line from the ceiling so it seems as if they are floating.

-Different sizes of tissue paper will created different size flowers.
-Hang multiple sized flowers at different heights in the classroom to add dimention and color to the room. They give a very inspiring and inviting feel to the room.

How to make an Egg Carton Caterpillar:
·         Any size egg cartons, one egg cup for each letter of each student’s name. (For example: Molly would need to cut 5 cups from an egg carton so that on each cup, she can write 1 letter. Sebastian would need to cut 9 cups- in this case it will not be a straight caterpillar, so he can cut it in whichever way he likes, just so that there are 9 connected cups.)
·         Paint
·         Googlie Eyes
·         Pipe Cleaners
·         Black Marker

How to:
1.       Cut the egg carton to the desired shape and size.
2.       Paint the carton.
3.       After it is dry, write one letter of your name on each cup of the carton.
4.       Add pipe cleaners as intennas- curl to desired shape.
5.       Glue on googlie eyes.

-Place the dried caterpillars on the flowers (you may attach with a paperclip, if they are unsteady).

Now you have a flower garden fully stocked with bugs!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Secret Password

What reading strategies are your students studying currently? Choose a word from this group and post it on a piece of paper above the door of your classroom. When the students arrive in the morning, they need to whisper this secret password in your ear before they enter. Do you have an older group? Boost the difficulty by making it a vocabulary or Spanish word and ask them for the definition or meaning. A fun way to promote class concepts!
