Friday, April 1, 2011

Cute Bulletin Board Alert!

I love this bulletin board! While scrolling through school websites, I saw this picture on the < >website and had to post it! It did not have a description with it, but think about all of the great opportunities this lesson could explore.
You will obviously explore some art mediums in creating the self portrait people. The way this particular board is done, the teacher has either slides or zip lock bags to hold the child’s work.
·         With this, you could keep the little people up for a length of time and switch out some of their best pieces of work.
·         Or you could make it more them-like and create a specific piece of work for this board. Example: Have the students write, draw or both about the kinds of good work they can do.
·         Then take it a step further and challenge them to do a new job at home and write about that experience.