Thursday, March 10, 2011

Does your school have its own flag?

A student designed flag! What a great idea. Do you have a new principal? Are you a teacher retiring? Are you a spirit coordinator for your school? No matter what the reason, this flag makes a great gift.

Organize a student flag design competition. The students from the school can color any kind of design they want and enter it, to be the artist of the school flag.

1.       Contact a graphic designer or sign company. Get prices and possibilities before introducing the topic. Make sure it is in your price range and capabilities of the company. Some companies have specifications like you must use markers instead of crayons, etc.
2.       Introduce the idea to the entire student body. Make it fun- you might want to introduce it at a pep rally.
3.       Remind the students to use the school colors, mascot, school name, and any other important features of your school.
4.       Give them a deadline. We used a 2 month deadline, but it can certainly be longer or shorter.
5.       Give them a drop box. Whether it is one teacher’s room or the student’s teacher, give them a location to enter their drawings and ask them to only enter their (1) best drawing.
6.       Judge the drawings: allow a teacher committee, student council, or ask the art teacher to make the decision.

Once you have a flag design, submit it to your flag producer.
Present the flag as a gift or as a pep rally highlight.

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